Thursday, February 21, 2008

Holy Crap, All-Stars everywhere, pt. 3

Holy Crap! There's a pt. 3?! You betcha. As an added bonus to my devoted readers, I've decided to post some extra photos from the weekend as well as one from the "Casino Night" that the Hornets' hosted this evening for their season ticket holders. The event itself was fantastic. We got meet most of the of the players, chat with the team president, and they had these hors d'oeuvre things that were ostensibly an oyster shot (for those curious about the recipe, you place a small amount of cocktail sauce in a glass, drop in a fresh Louisiana oyster, and garnish with a lemon... I love this city).

Particular points of interest:

1. David West took a picture with us. We are such dorks.

2. We told Ryan Bowen that we wanted to sign his petition to get a "hustle" event at next year's All-Star game. Contrary to what that sounds like, Bowen apparently (jokingly) wanted to start a petition for an event to be added to the Saturday agenda that would feature players scrambling to save balls from going out of bounds. He was actually a pretty funny guy. Not to mention he's totally living the dream: he gets to play basketball for a living (with CP3) all because he has (I hate this word) "heart". Un-be-freakin'-lievable.

3. We asked JuJu and Hilt on the way out if they wanted a ride (they were waiting in the valet line). Hilton, who thought we were serious, very politely declined. JuJu thought this was hysterical (especially after Curry offered him shotgun).

Ok, on to the pictures.


Lee hearts KG.

Curry blocks CP3 (I can't believe we got this one to work).

Curry manages to photograph the tip-off. The NBA: Where 37 pictures before half-time happens.

It's David West! It's David West! He was an All-Star! I'm not a dork!


Thanks for stopping by. Stay tuned this weekend for coverage of the home game against Houston featuring the sort-of anticipated arrival of Bonzi Wells and Mike James.

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